masih inget ga waktu kecil, setelah nonton film gerhana kadang-kadang kita suka coba-coba niru gayanya si piere roland, kali aja ada yang mental , guess what guys!! sekarang udah ada maenan yang bisa kaya gitu !!
How Does It Really Work? It's quite simple. depending on the amount of Midichlorians you have in your cells, each of you possess differing abilities to control your brainwaves. Using dry sensor technology, the Force Trainer can determine the differences between the alpha, beta, gamma and delta waves present in your brain. You can control these different brain 'states' by using your ability to focus and to concentrate. A micro-chip inside the Force Trainer then uses an algorithm to figure out which brain state you are in and then decides how to raise or lower the ball based on that state. It's kind of like magic, except the kind from a Galaxy far far away. Star Wars Force trainer In Action! |
jadi kira-kira cara kerjanya gini, ada semacam headset gitu yang dipasang di kepala kita, yang kerjanya adalah untuk menangkap brainwave yang dikeluarin oleh otak agan kalo lagi konsentrasi...
brainwave itu akan ditranslate menjadi sinyal yang ditransmit ke mainan itu, kuat lemahnya sinyal yang diterima bakal mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya bola itu ngelayang...
cara kerjanya simpel tapi aplikasinya kereen, ngebuat kita bener-bener percaya kalo kita bisa telekinesis!!
ini yang gw tangkep dari websitenya..
* For ages 8 and up.
* Learn how to master the powers of the Force.
* Voice guided through 15 levels of Force training by Yoda!
* Star Wars sound effects confirm accomplishment and provide encouragement throughout your training.
* Includes an adjustable wireless headset, Jedi training tower w/ball and an informative learning guide.
* Base can also operate with an AC adapter (not included)
* Great fun for kids and adults of all ages!
* Batteries: 6 AA and 3 AAA (not included)
* Dimensions: 16.1" x 14.2" x 6.2"
* Please do not try to force levitate your little sister
harganya 129.99$, kalo di amazon 79.99$
brainwave itu akan ditranslate menjadi sinyal yang ditransmit ke mainan itu, kuat lemahnya sinyal yang diterima bakal mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya bola itu ngelayang...
cara kerjanya simpel tapi aplikasinya kereen, ngebuat kita bener-bener percaya kalo kita bisa telekinesis!!
ini yang gw tangkep dari websitenya..
* For ages 8 and up.
* Learn how to master the powers of the Force.
* Voice guided through 15 levels of Force training by Yoda!
* Star Wars sound effects confirm accomplishment and provide encouragement throughout your training.
* Includes an adjustable wireless headset, Jedi training tower w/ball and an informative learning guide.
* Base can also operate with an AC adapter (not included)
* Great fun for kids and adults of all ages!
* Batteries: 6 AA and 3 AAA (not included)
* Dimensions: 16.1" x 14.2" x 6.2"
* Please do not try to force levitate your little sister
harganya 129.99$, kalo di amazon 79.99$
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